Performers & Instructors

Perform and/or Teach a Class in Greater Boston’s largest and most popular indoor/outdoor dance event!

Please read through the following requirements for performers and instructors who wish to apply to participate in DWC Festival below.


Professional companies, youth groups, community groups, and amateur dance groups with public performance experience of any dance style. A limited number of solo performers will be accepted; groups of at least 3 performers are recommended.

Performance time slots range from 10–20 minutes long. Each performer will only perform in one time slot. DWC staff will schedule each performer a specific time slot.

All performances will be held on various stages around the festival. Stages range in size from 20×20′ to 40×40′. Most stages are equipped with sprung floors and marley dance flooring. There are four stages outdoors, and the Sanctuary Theatre inside JMBT studios. DWC staff will assign each performer to a stage.

Performers are responsible for providing their own music and may use recorded or live music. For those using recorded music, music files must be sent to DWC staff prior to the festival and bring a backup of the music files on the festival day itself. Backup music must be on a device that can plug into an audio jack.

Instruments, props, and other equipment are the responsibility of the performer – including transportation and set up. Any unusual technical requirements (i.e. costume change) must be specified to DWC staff prior to the festival as it may impact stage assignment and scheduling.

Stipends for performers TBD.


Classes can be any of style of dance, should be taught at a beginner level, and may be targeted for children or adults, or open to all ages.

Class time slots are 45 minutes long. Instructors should expect to end 5 minutes early to allow for smooth transition between classes and allow for you to connect with your class participants. Each instructor may submit applications to teach up to three classes. DWC staff will schedule each instructor a specific time slot.

All classes will be held in JMBT studios. Studios range in size from 20×20′ to 40×40′. All studios are equipped with sprung floors, marley dance flooring, mirrors, barres, a piano, and speakers. DWC staff will assign each instructor to a studio.

Instructors are responsible for providing their own music and may use recorded or live music. For those using recorded music, you can connect to our sound speakers via Bluetooth, USB cable, or bring your own speaker.

Instruments, props, and other equipment are the responsibility of the instructor – including transportation and set up. Any unusual technical requirements (i.e. showing a video/film) must be specified to DWC staff prior to the festival as it may impact studio assignment and scheduling.

We recommend instructors bring flyers, postcards, or other promotional materials to hand out to their participants after class!

Questions? Contact Isobel Chang, Marketing Associate at or call 617-945-1944.